All posts by Kate Jones
Local History Society talk – 12th September
In 2016 it will be 250 years since Addenbrooke’s Hospital opened its doors on Trumpington Street thanks to Dr John Addenbrooke who left £4,500 in his legacy ‘to hire and fit up, purchase or erect a small, physical hospital in the town of Cambridge for poor people.’ Originally housing just 20 beds, today’s hospital has over 1,000, an income of £719m and over 8,000 staff. Find out more with this fascinating talk on Sept 12th.
Thank you to Cambridge RAG
Cambridge RAG have raised an amazing £54,700 to support their 10 chosen charities. They are also supporting another 47 charitable organisations – one of those being the Cherry Hinton Festival. Thanks to RAG for the support!
Visit the Capturing Cambridge Memory Cafe on Festival Day
Please come and join Hilary at the Capturing Cambridge Festival Day memory cafe. Look through our local archive photos and memorabilia of days-gone-by and share your own memories and stories of Cherry Hinton to add to our social history map of Cambridge.
Capturing Cambridge is a project run by the Museum of Cambridge encouraging all
residents to discover the fascinating and inspiring histories of our streets.
Your City, Your Museum, Your Stories.
Music stage acts confirmed
We are delighted to announce the bands confirmed to play on our Music Stage on Festival Day this year. In no particular order:
- Acoustic covers from Dave Irving
- Indie-rock band Kermode Spirit
- Laid-back jazz, blues, soul and funk from the Rcubed Project
- Indie-pop band Deep City
- Izi Phoenix
All local home-grown artists, so make sure you come and show them your support!
An evening with author Rosy Thornton
We are delighted to welcome author Rosy Thornton to the Cherry Hinton Festival. Come along to the Cherry Hinton Library on Thursday 15th September from 7.00pm-8.30pm to meet Rosy and hear about her new book Sandlands set on the Suffolk Coast.
Admission is £2, which includes light refreshments. Book your place in person at Cherry Hinton Library or ring 0345 045 5225. This event has been Organised by Cambridgeshire Library Services.
Thanks to all the fantastic Festival Day sponsors
Festival Day is shaping up nicely with some great entertainments booked for you. Thanks go out to our generous sponsors. Without their support this wonderful, free, community day would not be possible:
– Cambridge City Council
– Marshall
– Dudley Developments – sponsors of the ‘Plague and Pox in Cherry Hinton!’
– Carter Jonas Bradshaws
– Engineering and Design Plastics Ltd – sponsors of the ChYpPS Adventures in Scrap
– Countryside Properties
– tenhats – sponsors of the Festival programme
– Cherry Hinton Residents Association
– Dance Matters – choreographers of the brilliant stewards dance
We are still fundraising for Festival Day so if you know of anyone who could offer us sponsorship we would love to hear from you. Please email:
New for 2016 programme – Comedy Night
Volunteers needed for the 2016 Festival
Would anyone local be willing and able to donate an hour (or more) of their time to help steward the marvelous Cherry Hinton Festival Day this year? It will take place on Saturday 17th September. You will be rewarded with a warm fuzzy feeling that your help has ensured that this free family event can go ahead. Without the fabulous volunteer stewards, thousands of people, young and old, would be deprived of this brilliant day. Please email if you can help.

Fantastic Festival Flash mob!
In case you missed the Festival stewards flash mob here it is! Enjoy 🙂